NAESV’s E-Lobby Week has arrived!

Over 325 letters have already been sent to Congresspeople from across the country. This is your last chance to join advocates Nationally and have your voice heard in Washington, DC!
The National Alliance to End Sexual Violence (NAESV) E-Lobby Week is going on now (4/21/08 – 4/25/08). April is Sexual Assault Awareness Month and the NAESV E-Lobby week is a chance to spread the word all the way to Congress. To participate, there are two components:
1. Be virtually present in Washington, DC:
With a click of a button, participants will send a letter to their Members of Congress explaining how important funding for sexual assault services is in your state. After signup, this step takes as little as 45 seconds from start to finish!
2. District Visits:
It is what you do at home in your Congressional district that really brings this virtual lobby week together. Making a visit to your Member of Congress’ district office is an important means of getting your voice heard and in building relationships with staff.
How to participate:
Click here to register. Once you’ve registered, you will be “carried” through the process electronically during the E-Lobby Week.
Click here to log in and send your message: