CSG Justice Center Launches National Reentry Resource Center
From The Council of State Governments (CSG) Justice Center
Earlier this week, The Council of State Governments (CSG) Justice Center announced its launch of the National Reentry Resource Center—an unprecedented initiative to advance the safe and successful return of individuals from prisons and jails to their communities. Among those served by the resource center will be states, tribes, territories, local governments, service providers, nonprofit organizations and adult and juvenile corrections institutions.
House Votes to Expand Hate Crimes Definition
The House voted Thursday to expand the definition of violent federal hate crimes to those committed because of a victim’s sexual orientation, a step that would extend new protection to lesbian, gay and transgender people.
…The new measure would broaden the definition to include those committed because of gender, sexual orientation, gender identity or disability. It was approved by the House right before a weekend when gay rights will be a focus in Washington, with a march to the Capitol and a speech by President Obama to the Human Rights Campaign.
Franken Amendment Passes
Yesterday, the amendment offered by U.S. Sen. Al Franken (D-Minn.) to stop funding defense contractors who deny assault victims their day in court passed the United States Senate by a vote of 68 – 30.
Last Thursday, Sen. Franken introduced an amendment (S.2588) to the FY2010 Defense Appropriations Bill that would restrict funding to defense contractors who commit employees to mandatory binding arbitration in the case of sexual assault. The legislation, endorsed by 61 women’s, labor and public interest groups, was inspired by the story of Jamie Leigh Jones, who watched the vote from the Senate gallery today.
Obama nominates N.H. judge to Justice post
from the Office on Violence Against Women
Last week, President Barack Obama announced his intent to nominate Judge Susan B. Carbon to be the next Director of the Office on Violence Against Women.
Susan Carbon, first appointed to the bench in 1991, has been a Supervisory Judge of the New Hampshire Judicial Branch Family Division since 1996.  Judge Carbon has made many contributions to our collective work, including serving as faculty for the National Judicial Institute on Domestic Violence.
USA Today: DNA cited as reports of rape tumble
By Donna Leinwand
Reported rapes have fallen to the lowest level in 20 years at a time when DNA evidence helps lock up more rapists, and victims are more willing to work with police and prosecutors, victims advocates and crime experts say.
The FBI estimates 89,000 women reported being raped in 2008 — 29 women for every 100,000 people. That’s down from a high of 109,062 reported rapes in 1992 — 43 women for every 100,000 people. Data for 2009 are not yet available.