This morning WEAVE’s CEO Beth Hassett, and CALCASA’s Director of Operations Gayle Hepner joined the California President Pro Tempore Kevin De León and Senator Holly Mitchell to announce the collaboration with the State Capitol to improve the system of reporting sexual misconduct. Senator De Leon and Senator Mitchell emphasized their commitment to changing the culture at the Capitol were every voice is heard, and where women are valued and seen as equals.
CALCASA agrees that what is pivotal to preventing sexual violence is creating lasting change in the landscape, where workplaces and all of our communities look at their environment and take the necessary steps toward transformation. Providing confidential victim advocates and impartial investigation processes are the critical first steps that the California State Senate is taking to prevent sexual harassment and violence through a trauma-informed lens. Senator De Leon stated that he is in conversations with California State Assembly Leaders to make sure that process of reporting and addressing sexual misconduct is bicameral and consistent across the board.
WEAVE has an excellent history of serving the Sacramento area and we believe this partnership will help improve the response to and prevention of sexual misconduct at the Capitol. Together with WEAVE CALCASA is committed to working toward the prevention of all gender-based violence.
You can see the live broadcast of the Press Conference from WEAVE’s Facebook page here: