Read the report UC Speaks Up: An Assessment of the Climate for Sexual Violence Prevention, Education, and Response on Three University of California Campuses HERE.





For colleges and universities to effectively address and prevent sexual violence, collaboration with community resources, including local rape crisis centers, is essential. This web conference addressed specific examples and research related to collaboration to strengthen sexual violence prevention on college campuses.

Drawing on the recent report UC Speaks Up: An Assessment of the Climate for Sexual Violence Prevention, Education, and Response on Three University of California Campuses this web conference provides a foundation to understand the current needs and highlight how strong partnerships between community agencies and campus advocates can contribute to preventing sexual violence. In a panel discussion with college campuses and community Rape Crisis Centers, sexual violence preventionists and advocates provide unique examples of the strategies they implement to support the advancement of sexual violence prevention in their collective communities.



At the end of the web conference participants will be able to:  

  1. Describe the fundamental findings, recommendations, and implications from the UC Speaks Up research and report.
  2. Identify steps for collaboration between California colleges and community Rape Crisis Centers to advance sexual violence prevention programs on college campuses.
  3. Describe examples of strategies being implemented in California through partnerships between colleges and Rape Crisis Center preventionists.



David S. Lee (he/him/his) & Sarah Orton (she/her/hers)



  • Jennifer Wagman, UCLA (she/her/hers)
  • Paula Arrowsmith Jones, North Coast Rape Crisis Team (she/her/hers)
  • Mary Sue Savage, Humboldt State University (she/her/hers)
  • Angelina Alvarez, Valley Oasis (she/her/hers)
  • Zimmerman, Antelope Valley College (she/her/hers)
  • Yesenia Curiel, UC Merced (she/her/hers)
  • Lynna Cano, Valley Crisis Center (she/her/hers)


Useful links:

Sexual Assault on College Campuses

Campus Prevention Opportunities: