For the August RPE Spotlight, Shelby Vice (she/her) from WEAVE in Sacramento presented on her passion project, WEAVE Warrior. When COVID-19 shut down the schools and Shelby’s in-person RPE groups, she was determined to find a way to engage her elementary school aged youth virtually. Shortly after, WEAVE Warrior was a born – a comic featuring superheroes who served as trusted adult figures who could intervene and help resolve conflict.

WEAVE Warrior started as worksheets and over time grew into short animated movies featuring all of the same characters. RPE youth also had the opportunity to create their own characters and superpowers to bolster their own bystander intervention skills. In this 35-minute recording, Shelby provides an overview of how it started, how it’s going and offers a tutorial on how she taught herself to be proficient on Canva, iMovie, and Adobe so you can too!

 “Before we had done this activity, we asked kiddos ‘what kinds of qualities does it take to be a bystander intervener? what does it take to be an upstander?’ as we call it. So they had said things like courage and bravery and support, being able to listen, being able to be aware and look out for things, so there were a number of qualities we had already talked about. And then I thought, well, how do I make these into superheroes? So, this portion was actually a little bit of a surprise for them.”


If you missed the July RPE Spotlight, you can watch the recording HERE or follow up with Shelby Vice at