The C.A. LEADDS project began in 2019 as a partnership between The Arc of California and ValorUS® (VALOR) as a way to improve supports and services for survivors of sexual assault with developmental disabilities. Focus groups in California showed that rape crisis centers (RCC) did not feel confident providing disability-informed services and disability service providers didn’t know where to turn when their clients needed support after experiencing sexual violence. To remedy the lack of resources RCCs and service providers were facing, the C.A. LEADDS team created a series of trainings, guides, and best practices to increase the capacity of service providers. 

In their newest offering, Supporting Sexual Assault Survivors with Developmental Disabilities in California: A Resource Guide, C.A. LEADDS has compiled trainings, policies, and toolkits for a variety of audiences in California. The guide features introductory resources for disability service providers, sexual violence organizations, forensic examiners, and self-advocates. 

The guide begins with first-hand accounts from survivors with developmental disabilities as they share their experiences and the barriers that often kept them from seeking help. It then delves into plain language resources on a variety of topics related to sexual violence such as healthy relationships, sexual health & education, mandated reporting, and ableism. The resources explore the topic of sexual violence and provide tools that can help individuals learn more about creating boundaries and advocating for themselves. Alongside these resources, a section of the guide focuses on safety planning, which includes many considerations that may be specific to survivors with developmental disabilities.

The guide also features a section on accessibility and accommodations to ensure that staff are both aware of how to provide supports and services, while also being prepared to make them accessible for a variety of people.  

For questions about this resource or the C.A. LEADDS project, please reach out to Priscilla Klassen, Project Coordinator at VALOR