This Tuesday, Dr. Nan Stein gave a training about implementing her evidencebased prevention program, Shifting Boundaries: Lessons on relationships for students in middle school. In the training, we got to walk through the whole school-based curriculum and the broader, school-wide components of the program. We even got to participate in some of the program’s very engaging activities, like measuring each other’s personal space boundaries and mapping the safe and not-so-safe areas of a school.
In addition to being fun and interesting, the training gave participants a unique opportunity to hear lots of tips and stories about implementing the program based on Dr. Stein’s many years of experience, as well as the rationale behind each of the activities. Dr. Stein gave us very clear and illuminating explanations of why the program focuses on middle schools, on creating and respecting boundaries, and on school-wide change.
Finally, the training was a great networking opportunity. Participants included CALCASA members and allied colleagues from the California Department of Education, local schools, and local and state public health departments. We shared our own tips and experiences about gaining access to schools, building buy-in from parents and administrators, and more.