
06/14/2022 01:00 PM - 02:00 PM PST



Marsela Rojas (she/her) ValorUS, Jennica Sinor (she/her) ValorUS, Jessica Seipel (she/her) JDI


Marsela Rojas (she/her) ValorUS, Jennica Sinor (she/her) ValorUS, Jessica Seipel (she/her) JDI


Reporting sexual abuse can trigger many difficult feelings for survivors. However, it can also be challenging because the process to report can be complicated. As victim advocates, you often receive requests from incarcerated survivors for additional information and support around their reporting options.

We will explore the advocates role in the reporting process, discuss the difference between outside reporting and third-party reporting, as well as help rape crisis centers identify reliable outside reporting agencies and resources.

Learning Objectives

  • Understand the advocate’s role in reporting as envisioned by PREA
  • Understand the difference between outside reporting and third party reporting
  • Identify reliable outside reporting agencies

Other Resources