Women and people of color advocates and activists are central to the historical and contemporary development of the movement to end gender-based violence, and yet we are frequently met with barriers to professional growth and achievement in executive leadership positions. This underrepresentation of women of color executive leaders in the field, impedes our ability to provide culturally specific services and education, and ultimately, the ability to grow thriving, violence free communities.

ValorUS established the Leadership Education and Advancement for Professionals (LEAP) Project in 2012 with the Women of Color Network to address the disproportionate lack of women of color leaders in the movement. We designed this program to be an interactive distance learning and comprehensive training and practicum experience with topics ranging from strategic planning, working with boards, to finances and budgets. As a cohort member, LEAP Fellows will develop and enhance leadership and management skills to enable them to take upon and succeed in leadership roles in their organizations and in the anti-violence against women field.

For the past 10 years, the LEAP team has created space for over 100 advocate-leaders and women of color in executive positions to build their leadership skills, “pay it forward” to leaders of color in their community, and ultimately, transform the movement to create more equitable and inclusive workplace cultures, service provision, and education to our collective communities. 

Despite the obstacles faced by leaders of color, innovative ideas and the desire for positive change abounds. Many of the previous LEAP leaders are working to implement innovative, social justice oriented ideas in the field, like reimagining funding opportunities outside of traditional structures, opportunities to support harm-doers in changing behavior and understanding accountability, and developing culturally responsive services and education for survivors of gender-based violence.

Apply today and join a network of women and people of color across the United States. The deadline for applications is November 18th, 2022, 11:59 pm PDT.  Click here to learn more about the LEAP project and how to apply.

Watch the informational session and view the slides below to learn more about LEAP. Please reach out to LEAP@valor.us, if you have any questions. 

Listen to season 1 of the “Leadership Moves” podcast to learn from LEAP Leaders across the country on Spotify, Apple or wherever you listen to your podcasts!

LEAP Informational Session Slides (PDF Version)